| 1. | Does everyone have to pay income tax in china 在中国每个人都有要缴个人所得税吗? |
| 2. | I said , you are going to have to pay income tax 好。我说:姬汀,你今年要填写报税单。 |
| 3. | She said , " what do you mean i have to pay income tax ? 甚么?你要缴付入息税,这是甚么意思? |
| 4. | Having begun to pay income tax 3已经开始交纳企业所得税。 |
| 5. | Foreign enterprises pay income tax for their income originating in china 外国企业就来源于中国境内的所得缴纳所得税。 |
| 6. | Corporations pay income tax and must account for the income tax expense and income tax payable 公司必须交纳所得税,核算所得税费用和应缴所得税。 |
| 7. | The new tax law says that anyone making less than 197 dollars a month will not be required to pay income tax 新的税法规定,任何个人月收入在1千6百元人民币(约197美元)以下的不必交所得税。 |
| 8. | Investment in fixed assets in 10 million a above one , in 5 years , reward to pay income tax place 100 % retained in fact according to enterprise 固定资产投资在1000万元以上的, 5年内按企业实交所得税地方留成的100 %奖励。 |
| 9. | Republicans wanted to target the rebates at those who pay income taxes , but have reportedly agreed to extend them to the large number of americans who do not 而共和党则希望对缴交收入税的人士提供补贴,不过他们已经同意对这个范围进行扩大,以涵盖那些没有交收入税的美国公民。 |
| 10. | Article 61 reserve funds and bonus and welfare funds for workers and staff members shall be withdrawn from the profits after a foreign - capital enterprise has paid income tax in accordance with the provisions of the chinese tax law 第六十一条外资企业依照中国税法规定缴纳所得税后的利润,应当提取储备基金和职工奖励及福利基金。 |